Determining the highest accuracy among the Convolutional Neural Network architectures: VGG16, ResNet50, or MobileNet for Pneumonia detection in 2023

The Determination of the Best Convolutional Neural Network Architecture: VGG16, ResNet50, or MobileNet for Pneumonia Detection in 2023


  • Sergio Elías Enciso-Ortiz Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru. Author
  • Ecler Mamani-Vilca Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru. Author
  • Erech Ordoñez-Ramos Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru. Author


Convolutional Neural Network Architectures, MobileNet, ResNet50, VGG16


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are used for the recognition of X-ray images and other applications. Currently, there are studies comparing the effectiveness of CNN architectures such as VGG16, ResNet50, and MobileNet with different input parameters during training, creating uncertainty among developers of image classification applications. We applied identical inputs for the training of the CNNs under study to address this lack of information. To address this, a Kaggle database consisting of 5856 images was utilized. From this database, a systematic sample of 746 lung X-ray images, both healthy and with pneumonia, was selected. To ensure image normalization, tools like iloveimg and ReNamer were employed. Furthermore, Python was used with Google Colab and various libraries including tensorflow, matplotlib, numpy, os, cv2, and random to execute the different architectures. The methodological design was based on a quantitative approach, utilizing comparison tables and the images acquired from the Kaggle database. The results obtained indicated that the accuracy percentage was 89.83% for VGG16, 91.82% for ResNet50, and 80.21% for MobileNet, leading to the conclusion that ResNet50 is the most accurate architecture in this context.


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Author Biographies

  • Sergio Elías Enciso-Ortiz, Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru.

    Sergio Elías Enciso Ortiz, Professional Technician in Electronics at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico IDAT and bachelor's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac.

  • Ecler Mamani-Vilca, Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru.

    Ecler Mamani Vilca, Universidad Nacional Micaela Basti-das de Apurímac - Peru, PhD in Computer Sciences, developer of multimedia applications.

  • Erech Ordoñez-Ramos, Academic Professional School of Computer and Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac - Peru.

    Erech Ordoñez Ramos, Associate Professor at the Micaela Bastidas National University of Apurimac – Peru, Director of the Professional Career in Computer and Systems Engineering.


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