Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2021-05-12. Consulte la versión más reciente.

3D modeling with the ThreeJS Framework of the Colonial Temple of Chuquinga Aymaraes – Perú


Palabras clave:

3D Modeling, ThreeJS, Colonial Temple, Chuquinga, Aymaraes


This research has the purpose of modeling in 3D of the Colonial Temple of Chuquinga, to prove the rendering time in mobile devices, the investigation is applied, with an explanatory level and an experimental design where the rendering time with the frequency was evaluated of images (FPS, obtaining the frequency of images (FPS), the average is 52.29 FPS, highlighting the most influential GPU, that is, increases the frequency of images (FPS) when the central clock is greater than 500 Mhz in all mobile devices that have an optimum level, while in basic level devices when GPM Mhz decreases, the frequency of images (FPS) decreases, however, it does not cause distortion in animations and textures. The ThreeJS library was used to create 3D objects, 3ds Max for the modeling of temple walls and WebGL for final rendering.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Ecler Mamani Vilca, Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac - Perú

    Dr. en Ciencias de la Computación, desarrollador de aplicaciones multimedia y Software Educativo Intercultural, docente nombrado a Tiempo completo en la Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac regenta los cursos de Algorítmica, Computación Gráfica y Seminario de Tesis, docente de la Escuela de Post Grado UNAP, trabajó en diferentes universidades privadas e institutos superiores técnicos del Perú.



2019-10-10 — Actualizado el 2021-05-12



