Methodology for the diagnosis and maintenance management in the electrical substations of the distributed generation groups


  • Carlos Manuel Ruano-Gonzalez Electric Company, Cuba Author


cells, methodology, maintenance, substation


The distributed generation has great importance for the availability of the National Electrical of Power. For its nature, must change the conception of the maintenance procedures in relation to the traditionally used in the conventional substations, which is why the step for its realization should be well conceived and well justified. Since this consideration, the analysis is directed toward the diagnosis and maintenance of the cells of the substation of the group of generation with fuel oil HYUNDAI of 40 MW. At the present, there is not a procedure to accomplish this activity, and actions applied to the substations of exteriors are used. After of studies developed in front of frequent damages that have compromised the service and provoked damages to the equipment’s of the cells, a methodology for the diagnosis and the maintenance management to this type of substations is proposed.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Manuel Ruano-Gonzalez, Electric Company, Cuba

    Carlos Manuel Ruano González Electrical Engineer since 1985 at the University of Camagüey. Cuba. Since 1990 he has been working in the Electrical Power System in medium and high voltage substations, he has participated in several international events of the specialty, he has a master's degree in science and is currently enrolled in a doctoral program, he is currently working as a field specialist, he has vast experience in the operation and control of electrical power systems, as well as in the operation and maintenance of electrical substations and electrical transmission lines.


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